Archiwum 12 grudnia 2004

gru 12 2004 ~~ MiŁoSć ~~
Komentarze: 5

"[...] naprawdę zakochanym jest się tylko raz w życiu. Tylko raz w życiu kocha się z niepowtarzalna moca i intensywnosia gdyż własnie  wtedy umieszczamy w innym wszystko to, co jest w nas samych. Jestesmy niedojrzali i mamy kłopoty z odróżnieniem siebie od ukochanej osoby. Jednoczesnie znamy wartosć tej osoby i wiemy, że tylko w niej odnajdujemy się w pełni..."

PiEkNe i PrAwDzIwE sŁoWa... nO cÓż ChCiaŁaByM tYlE nA TeN TeMaT nApIsAć, żE cHyBA ZaJęŁObY Mi To cAłĄ NoC... dLaTeGo pOzOsTaWiAm Te sŁoWa bEz kOmEnTaRzA i... CzEkAm Aż To Wy SkOmEnTuJeCiE jE nA SwÓj sPoSóB... cO O TyM SąDzIcIe...??jAkiE jEsT WaSzE zDaNiE..??JeStEśCiE Za..??cZy MoŻe PrZeCiW..?? CzEkAm Na kOmEnTy... [psst.ja nie wierze w Miłość taKą na całe życie...ale chciałabym uwierzyć :P:P ] pOzDrO dLa WsYsTkIcH ZaKoChAnYcH GoŁąBkÓw...  function FocusMe() { windows.focus(); } window.focus();

natalia_spoox : :
gru 12 2004 DaNzeL JeSt ZaJeBiStY nA MaXaaaaa :D:D:D
Komentarze: 3

Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up,
Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up,

Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up,
Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up …

It's not so long ago,
That the sound hit the Nation.
Every Saturday night,
On your favourite Radio.

And the Party's jumpin' Yeah
And the vibe feels so strong.
Throw your hands in the air,
Lift your head up high,
You know you got to sing along.

Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up,
Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up,

Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up,
Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up,

It's not so long ago,
That the sound hit the Nation.
Every Saturday night,
On your favourite Radio.

And the Party's jumpin' Yeah
And the vibe feels so strong.
Throw your hands in the air,
Lift your head up high,
You know you got to sing along.

Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up,
Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up,

Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up,
Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up …

Got the feeling,
What’s the name of the jam
Say I can feel it,
You know you can
I’ve got my groove on
and I’m ready to go
Check out my right girl,
But don’t touch my radio

Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up,
Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up,

Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up,
Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up …

And make me feel good
feel so good
And make me feel good
feel so good
feel so good
and what's the name of the jam
Say I can feel it,
You know you can
I’ve got my groove on
and I’m ready to go
Check out my right girl,
But don’t touch my radio

Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up,
Don't you know, pump it up,
You got to pump it up …

natalia_spoox : :